Your oral health is just as important as your overall health. Making small changes to your dental routine every day is key for ensuring healthy teeth and gums! Daily preventative care is the best way to prevent problems from developing.
There are lots of easy things you can do to protect your oral health.
Brush regularly
Brush your teeth twice daily with a fluoride containing toothpaste. You should aim to brush your teeth for around two minutes each time, to keep teeth and gums healthy. Brushing regularly stops plaque build-up and gets rid of the bacteria that can cause gum disease and tooth decay.

Don’t forget to floss
Flossing is a great way to reach those places the toothbrush cannot reach to prevent plaque build-up. Daily flossing is recommended as part of your daily oral health routine. Check out NHS choices flossing tips to make sure you’ve got the right technique.
A healthy diet makes a difference
Be oral hygiene conscious when you are deciding on what to eat and drink. A healthy diet is equally as important for your teeth and gums as it is for the rest of your body! Limiting your sugar intake is important in preventing tooth decay. Lots of things can cause staining of the teeth as well, such as cigarettes, tea and coffee. Alcohol and fizzy drinks can cause damage to tooth enamel, which may result in loss of enamel and fillings.
Get your kids in a good teeth-cleaning routine
It’s important to get your kids into a good teeth cleaning routine from a young age! You should start brushing teeth as soon as the first milk teeth start coming through. For advice on toothbrushing tips for babies and children see NHS choices.
Regular dentist appointments
It’s recommended that you attend regular dental check-ups, at least once every 6 months. It’s the best way to prevent problems from occurring and left untreated, dental problems can be even more difficult to treat. Not to mention it can be painful and expensive!
If you are having any trouble with your teeth or gums or are concerned about your oral hygiene – why not book an appointment with your dentist for a check-up. Alternatively a GP or pharmacist can also give you advice on dental hygiene.